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email: jakub(dot)loewit(at)ist.ac.at

orcid: 0009-0008-0361-7395

I like to think about algebraic geometry, arithmetic geometry, algebraic topology and representation theory.

Papers and preprints

  1. Equivariant K-theory, affine Grassmannian and perfection,
    Jakub Löwit, preprint, 2024
    [arXiv], [pdf]

  2. On modulo ℓ cohomology of p-adic Deligne–Lusztig varieties for GLn,
    Jakub Löwit, Journal of Algebra, 663, 2025, 81-118
    [journal], [arXiv], [pdf]

  3. Modules over string algebras,
    Jakub Löwit, bachelor's thesis, Charles University Prague, 2019,
    [available online], [pdf]